

30-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Sonic Intimacies
€ 20.000
30-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Birger Art, Design and Multimedia Services
(Un)Safe Zone
€ 15.000
30-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Stichting Felix Meritis
THE MESSYVERSE. (Future Front Row is de naam van een onderdeel en THE MESSYVERSE de overkoepelende titel)
€ 25.000
29-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Anika (A) Schwarzlose
€ 10.000
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
to bebe or not to bebe
€ 5.000
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Gizem (G) Ustuner
Do not expect anything out of the blue
€ 4.920
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Kyulim (KL) Kim
Sensing Logistics
€ 5.000
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Laura Dubourjal
Grandma wants me to be a housewife
€ 5.000
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
studio Samira Vogel
Reimagining looms: Interweaving (dis)placed ecologies and narratives
€ 5.000
25-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Charlott (C) Markus
Nieuw multimedia werk en solo tentoonstelling in Beautiful Distress House Amsterdam
€ 9.500
24-06-2023Visuele kunst 
bart eysink smeets
Follow the Sun
€ 15.000
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
J.L. van Deursen
Ora et Labora
€ 2.540
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Bethany (B.L.I.) Crawford
Fuck Healing (?): The Insomniac Dreamers
€ 10.823
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Stichting Hackers & Designers
Hacked Orchestra
€ 12.500
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Stichting Salwa
Gatherings: Here, There but they don't want us anywhere
€ 15.000
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Treehouse NDSM
Let's listen to all voices
€ 6.000
14-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Stephan (S) Blumenschein
Deferral and Moments of Hillside
€ 5.100
06-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Cesar Eduardo (C.E.) Leon Herrera
€ 5.000
06-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Sterre Troquay
slow moving Sheep Fest
€ 5.000
06-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Kristina (K) Benjocki
What Remains
€ 14.700
06-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Inna Kochkina
Cyrillic archives (working title)
€ 7.622
04-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Giulia Damiani
Porous Places, Eruptive Bodies: Research and training for a trilogy of performances using the method of the psycho-fable.
€ 15.000
04-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Ginta (GV) Vasermane
Development grant
€ 15.000
04-06-2023Visuele kunst 
Fenna (FLE) Visser
Mokums Collectief (MoCol)
€ 4.005