CÍRCULO - Decolonial resistance, priestessing, chanting and women’s drumming

Dear community of singers, artists, activists and those who support the continuation of different forms of knowledge on the planet,
Tulipa's Society Amsterdam and Teatro Munganga invite you to join our 2024 CÍRCULO of traditional chanting and drumming workshops, community gatherings and exchanges. Throughout the month of June, we will celebrate the long lineage of priestesses carrying out oral and music traditions connected to decolonial struggle and cosmological permanence of ancient forms of knowledge in opposition to cultural domination.
The events are sponsored by Spark Fund Mama Cash, which supports women, girls, and trans and intersex people in their fight for their rights, and AFK - Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.
Please note: the series is centered on non-European immigrant women, and non-binary people, but everyone is welcome to join the events and support the community. If you are ever in doubt if this space is for you or how to participate, feel free to contact us!
Workshops Caixeiras do Divino
Dates: 05, 12, 19, 26 June, 01 and 03 July (six meetings) - 18:30 - 21:30
Brazilian Candomblé for beginners
Date: 13th June - Thursday 19h - 22h
“Turista Aprendiz- 8 pedras”(2005) - Movie and after talk with the director Renata Amaral
Date: 20 June - Thursday 19h -22h
Divine Celebration - Caixeiras, Jongo, Batuque, Forró and more.
Date: 29 June - Saturday 15h - 22h
Het AFK ondersteunt Caixeiras do Divino met een projectsubsidie.
Datum: 05-06-2024 t/m 03-07-2024
Locatie: Teatro Munganga (Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs)
Meer informatie: https://circulo-amsterdam.tumblr.com/