Michèle Boulogne

Photo: Rosella Fennis
Photo: Rosella Fennis

Michèle Boulogne is a Martinican artist and textile designer. Her research questions the cultural and social context around the imagination of space exploration and is at the crossroads of visual arts and textile experiments. 

Michèle regularly subverts geographic representation tools such as maps, remote sensing imagery or historical texts and questions the influence of these instruments in the cultural imagination of the environment. These translations often take the form of visual collages, mixing mediums of industrial and artisanal textiles (woven, knits and dyes).

In 2023, Michèle began an inquiry on the history of the Caribbean archipelago to inform current challenges coming with space being considered a “New frontier” for humanity, industry and culture. 

Coalition: Social Design (Waag / Hackers&Designers / Framer Framed)