About the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK)
About AFK
The AFK is the fund of and for cultural metropolis Amsterdam. Following our mission ‘Fantastic art for all Amsterdammers’, we contribute to a city where everyone has the chance to practice or experience art. Therefore, we support all forms of art in every district and every neighbourhood. We are there for both professional art and leisure-time cultural practice - for established organisations, as well as the fringes and pioneers. The AFK focuses its activities on three groups: artists and cultural organisations, Amsterdammers, and the sector as a whole. By sharing knowledge for and about the sector - we contribute to a powerful, future-proof arts field.
Grants and special activities
For the implementation of Amsterdam's arts policy, the AFK's instruments consist of schemes for multi-year subsidies as part of the Kunstenplan 2025-2028 and schemes for one-off funding. In addition, the AFK initiates special activities that focus on proven quality and stimulate talent development and innovation within the sector (such as the Amsterdam Prize for the Arts or the 3Package Deal for international top talent).
Click here for more information on the AFK's role within the 'Kunstenplan' or go directly to the Overview of Grants for information on applications.
AFK policy 2021 - 2024
In 2021-2024, the AFK takes steps from a renewed mission: Fantastic art for all Amsterdammers. An offer that stimulates the imagination of audience and maker, for a cultural metropolis that is always evolving. In line with the Municipality's Hoofdlijnen Kunst en Cultuur 2021-2024, the AFK formulates in its policy plan three groups on which we focus to realise our mission: artists and cultural organisations, Amsterdammers, and the cultural sector as a whole. In our activities, artistic interest, importance for the city, feasibility and diversity & inclusion are guiding criteria to make sharp choices.
View theAFK policy plan 2021-2024 ‘Fantastic art for all Amsterdammers’ here. See also the most recent annual reports.
The AFK is funded by the Municipality of Amsterdam.